Ready To Invest?
We believe all investors should have access to venture capital, cutting-edge research, impactful education, and a phenomenal user experience. Self-directed investors can download the SoFi app and get started today.
How to Invest
All U.S. self-directed investors can download the SoFi app and, with as little as $500, invest in a portfolio of private and public companies through the ARK Venture Fund. SoFi provides members with the ability to invest in a standard brokerage account, or through a Traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Registered investment advisors, family offices, high net worth individuals, and institutional investors who clear or custody at Fidelity, TradePMR, Pershing, and Hilltop and approved individuals with a Titan membership have access to the ARK Venture Fund. Additional access to the ARK Venture Fund may also be available through other distribution channels. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Learn Together. Invest Together.
As an investor in the ARK Venture Fund, you have access to regular video, written, and audio updates directly from the ARK team. We research the cutting-edge technologies shaping our world and invest your capital in the companies we believe will be industry leaders.
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